What is PSYCH-K®?

What is PSYCH-K®?
PSYCH-K® is a set of processes (callend Balances) which allow in a simple way to change the limiting beliefs that are programmed in the subconscious mind. With PSYCH-K® it is possible to programme the new supporting beliefs that will support you in achieving success in every chosen area of your life.
PSYCH-K® allows to transform the perception of stressful situations or phobias. You can keep the memory of a challenging situation, but any destructive emotions, stress, anxiety, sadness will be no longer disturbing.
PSYCH-K® can also support in physical, mental and emotional health recovery.
PSYCH-K® vs. standard personal development
One of the elements of standard Personal Development process is to identify the beliefs and behaviours you want to have and repeat them as many times as they become your new beliefs. Affirmations, positive thinking and testing your will power can take months or years. And on this journey of change you may fall or give up many times.
Thanks to PSYCH-K® re-programming your Mind can take even several minutes only. In a fast and effective way you can teach your Subconsciousness what are your desired beliefs and behaviours. And the stress that used to appear when dealing with difficult situation is no longer destructing.
We do not need to get to the bottom of your problem, because we introduce new programmes to the command center of your life - your Subconscious Mind.

How long it takes to change using PSYCH-K®?
PSYCH-K® processes integrate both hemispheres creating "whole brain" state that allows to re-program old patterns in your Subconscious Mind and create new supporting beliefs. Those new subconscious beliefs will influence your thoughts, perception, behaviour, habits.
Introducing new belief takes even 5-15 minutes.
After PSYCH-K® Balance you can observe the change immediately or after some time (hours, days, weeks, months).
With PSYCH-K® we do not diagnose any health conditions. PSYCH-K® is not a cure/healing process.
PSYCH-K® helps establish a balance on mental, emotional and spiritual level.
Programming Subconscious Beliefs
Which aims to lead you to achieve success in any chosen life area.
Relationship Balance
created to deepen understanding and improve relationship between two people, (e.g. life partners, parent and child, friends, coworkers, etc.). It is designed to identify and transform problems and challenges between them.
Relationship Balance
supports identifying and transforming limiting core beliefs regarding life, people, world that may block you in achieving goals and objectives.
With PSYCH-K® we do not diagnose any health conditions. PSYCH-K® is not a cure/healing process.
PSYCH-K® helps establish a balance on mental, emotional and spiritual level.
With PSYCH-K® we do not diagnose any health conditions. PSYCH-K® is not a cure/healing process.
PSYCH-K® helps establish a balance on mental, emotional and spiritual level.
Umysł podświadomy procesuje milion razy więcej informacji niż umysł świadomy. zmiana przekonania, nawyku, stresu może zając dosłownie kilka minut.
Masz pełną kontrolę nad procesem, zajmujemy się Twoimi pragnieniami i potrzebami
(np. spokój wewnętrzny, finanse, zdrowie, znalezienie partnera, lepsze relacje, pewnośc siebie, łatwość wystąpień publicznych, zrealizowaniem celu itd...)
Nie potrzeba wracać do przeszłości i analizować dlaczego Twoje życie dzisiaj tak się układa!
Unikamy spojrzenia w przeszłość, by nie rozdrapywać straych ran. Skupiamy się na TU i TERAZ, na tymtym jak chcesz, aby Twoje życie wyglądało.
Możesz przejść swoją zmianę, będąc w swoim domu, siedząc w ulubionym miejscu!
Sesja odbędzie się przed ekranem Twojego komputera/telefonu.
To unikalne sesje, w których łączę narzędzia i procesy z ponad 13-letniego doświadczenia pracy z enegią.
Zamiast przechodzić długi proces i dokonywać zmiany małymi krokami -
Twoja przemiana może pojawić się bardzo szybko.
Dlatego wykorzystuję PSYCH-K® jako główny proces i różne procesy psychologii energetycznej,
dostosowane do Twoich potrzeb i prefernecji, by Ci w tym pomóc.
With PSYCH-K® we do not diagnose any health conditions. PSYCH-K® is not a cure/healing process.
PSYCH-K® helps establish a balance on mental, emotional and spiritual level.
For the first 14 years of his career, Rob was a direct participant in the U.S. corporate world, holding management positions in the backpacking, energy management, and telecommunications industries.
Experiencing a spiritual awakening during this time, Rob moved out of the business environment into a life of service as a professional psychotherapist. Finding the accepted counseling philosophy of the day lacking in spiritual essence and overall effectiveness, Rob studied many non-standard modalities for change, both ancient and contemporary. Out of his studies came a series of intuitive insights that became the body of work called PSYCH-K®.
He is President of The Myrddin Corporation, and Director of the PSYCH-K® Centre International.